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According to, rip means "To cut, tear apart, or tear away roughly or energetically." That is precisely what i want to do here, take anything i feel like writing about, and rip it apart the way i wish to.

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Im in college currently, (B.Tech in Chemical Engineering), at NIT Trichy.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

O-R-K-U-T, the second RIP

Well, ahem...yes, i'm back...bored, and waiting for the germany match thats due in an hour. And since i just checked my orkut scrapbook to see if anyone's 'scrapped' me, i was hit upon by a brainwave. Why not R-I-P, orkut, i thought. Ok, fine. I looked up orkut in wikipedia, the place where any fool can get enlightened on anything he wants to be, and was face-to-face with a decent length, not-too-long article. It begun with ... "The title of this article is supposed to be orkut but is actually Orkut due to Technical Reasons." Whatever. Who cares if its orkut or Orkut. Maybe they do. But, I sure don't. If you've noticed, I've still not written anything useful. Well, thats one of the main reasons people blog, to get the satisfaction of having 'published' something on the WWW, useful or not, interesting or downright bullshit.

Anyways, the wikipedia article, written by god-only-knows-whom, started something like this ... "orkut is an Internet social networking service run by google ...." (notice the small '0'). It then provided the name of the founder, the-guy-who-has-an-unpronouncable-second-name. Its not exactly 'unpronouncable', seeing that you can pronounce it the way you want to, only, it might be wrong. There's always a confusion when there are dots above the letters in a word. So, well, i shall pronounce his name as Orkut Booyookkoookten, in my way. I'm dead sure its wrong. It's a free country, ain't it. And his country is far far away from mine. Guess he's turkish. Who cares.

I'm quite new to orkut, and though i joined a few months back, its only a few days since i've been actively involved in its intricacies. This is what my home page looks like...
This page does turn up most of the times i login, but this fella also peeks in sometimes....
Guess the orkut-fellows don't stock up enough servers to meet the rush. Jammed servers. Bad servers. Infact, its 'Bad, bad, server. No donut for you.' The message that comes when orkut has a bad server. Whats it supposed to be?? Catchy?? Funny?? Or something else?? I hate donuts anyway.

So. A social networking service. Aimed at 'expanding the circumference of your social circle.' But does it, really?? Orkut is not a new concept, actually. Loads of other social networking sites exist, MySpace and Friendster being the noteworthy ones. Then why is orkut the most popular one in India? Cos its Google that its related to. The only reason. Thereby shooting up to the top. Infact, Yahoo was not the first of its kind-of wesite to debut when it did so in some month of 1995. The backronym states 'Yet Another Hierarchial Officious Oracle', and is testimony to the fact that it was not the first. But still, its the leading website now, its annual profits are of the order of 2 billion dollars, beating even Google, which has a higher net turnover, though. I know this is completely unrelated to this post, but still, just occured to me. Since starting in 2004, I think January, it has amassed 20,658,025 members. When it started, it was supposed to be different from the existing players in the fact that it was by invitation only that you could join in orkut. But that has not been a deterrent factor. A major defect in orkut is that people from all over the world are not allowed access to it. If your friend took a job in Iran, he cannot keep in touch with you through orkut, as its banned there, for seemingly 'ethical' and 'religious' reasons. Another thing that irritates you is that almost 69% of orkut users are brazilians, the idiots who start stupid communities and post in a stupid language (I think its portugese) that no one except them can make head or tail of (hope a brazilian who can read english doesn't stumble by this blog).

I'm afraid it's time for me to abruptly take leave now...time's almost 12.30...i'll be back with the rest of the rip tomorrow...until then..

1 comment:

Alagappan said...

this is the number of users of orkut today (10-07-2007) - 61,805,275

a dramatic increase... just in a year.... well it was fun reading ur blog..!