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According to, rip means "To cut, tear apart, or tear away roughly or energetically." That is precisely what i want to do here, take anything i feel like writing about, and rip it apart the way i wish to.

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Im in college currently, (B.Tech in Chemical Engineering), at NIT Trichy.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

English is queer !!

I can declare this with a lot of conviction and finality : English is a queer, bizarre language. It is ever-growing, adding new words to the dictionary every year, unlike most other major languages, infact i think with respect to absorbing words from other language and the phenomenal word-count increase, English is unique. There are English words of Tamil, Hindi, Italian, Urdu and Persian origin, leaving the ones of purely British origin. Here are some examples i found to this effect :: some of them will be so simply revealing their origin that you will wonder how you did not spot them before ..

1. mulligatawny - a kind of seasoned soup, has it's origin in the Tamil milagu-tannir, meaning pepper-water.
2. dinghy - a small boat used for emergency escape, origin from the hindi dingi.
3. tom-tom - tall jazz drum, from the Tamil tamtam.
4. buck - Boastful talk, to talk too much and egoistically. From Hindi buk-buk, 'to prattle'.
5. blighty - British army slang for home, after foreign service. From hindi bilayati, foreign.
6. chintz - Printed cotton fabric, usually with particoloured pattern and glazed. From sanskrit citra meaning spotted or variegated.
7. pug - Footprint. From hindi pag, foot. Used to denote the footmarks of an animal like a tiger.
8. jodhpurs - long breeches for riding. From Jodhpur, famous for its horsemen.
9. chop - Stamp. A seal-impression, or brand. From Hindi chhap, stamp. Also denotes class.

A lot more adaptations existy

1 comment:

Vinod said... one da..
definitely every yr more words are getting the recent past the influence of HP was also visible..